Write down every call and number that you see (You have to be sure, that the OPBAR change its used colorto green). X’s protection you mustknow the of every call and jump command. Now comes the difficult part, so be careful. X’s check routine thisis where the error message in generated. You willnotice that you have been moved somewhere within the Software. When you locate it, double click theerror message and then close the window to return to the Win. Click on the String Data References button. 2Dasm finishes disassembling the file it will display unrecognizable text this iswhat we want.

2Dasm may take several minutes to disassemble the file. X’s executable file in the popup window that willappear (e. On the file menu open DISASSEMBLER > OPEN FILE TODISASSEMBLE. X will not run of course, however, when the error window pops up itwill give you all of the vital information that you need to crack the program, so be sure towrite down what it says. X) that you want to crack without the CD in the. 2Dasm and HIEW. IDENTIFYING THE PROTECTION: Run the program, game, etc., (Software. HOW TO CRACK ANY TYPE OF SOFTWARE PROTECTIONIn this tutorial you will learn how to crack any type of software protection using. Book - Hacking - How to Crack Any Software Protection | Software.